ABC Waters
Design Features
ABC Waters Design Features are an increasingly common element in our local landscape and detention facilities in new developments. The former treats stormwater to achieve acceptable discharge quality, while the latter provides stormwater quantity control. In land-scarce Singapore, combining both functions in a single facility can reduce the overall footprint and cost. The value of these facilities can be further enhanced with some creativity to make them usable and beautiful at the same time.
What is ABC Waters?
With investment in research and technology, Singapore has put a diversified and robust water supply through our Four National Taps, namely water from local catchments, imported water, NEWater and desalinated water. This diversification has allowed the nation to close the water loop and helped her take a step towards water sustainability. It also forms the backdrop for ABC Waters, as Singapore moves beyond water sufficiency to capitalise on the potential of water to enhance the quality of life and maintain the quality of water in our waterways and reservoirs.
The ABC Waters Program
The ABC Waters Program seamlessly integrates the environment, water bodies, and community to create new community spaces and encourage lifestyle activities to flourish in and around the waters. As the community gets closer to water, people will better appreciate and cherish our valuable resources and develop a sense of stewardship towards water.

Benefits of the ABC Waters Programme
Enhance Aesthetics and Biodiversity
ABC Waters design enhances the aesthetics and biodiversity of the landscape while slowing down the flow of stormwater runoff. This creates local green corridors by integrating nature into urban life.
Detain and Treat Stormwater Runoff
ABC Waters Design Features are natural treatment elements to detain and treat runoff before it is discharged to downstream waterways and waterbodies. With upstream planning and seamless integration with the landscape and drainage system, both hydrological benefits and water quality improvement can be realised, in addition to other environmental benefits.

Implementation of ABC Waters Programme
Bioretention Basin
An example of bioretention basins that combine detention function with treatment is the system implemented at Jurong Port Berth J10 & J11. Jurong Port is the first port in the world that has built a bioretention system for stormwater treatment and control at its berths. The bioretention system receives runoff from the berths, treats it, and harvests the filtrate for auto-irrigating the vegetation in the system. The storage tank below the bioretention basin also serves the purpose of stormwater detention. Auto-irrigation allows the plants to survive in the harsh environment of the port. Excess filtrate and runoff are discharged to the drainage network.
Biotope and Re-circulated Wetland
Biotopes and re-circulated wetlands are primarily stormwater quality treatment facilities with a permanent water body. While water is pumped through the submerged planted media for biological treatment in biotopes, water is passed across the surface of the re-circulated wetland. Detention capacity added to these facilities will also enhance the treatment capacity as multiple treatment passes can be achieved before the detained water is discharged.